How To Start Practicing Yoga: 5 Steps

How To Start Practicing Yoga: 5 Steps

It’s totally normal to feel overwhelmed when starting a yoga practice. It’s vulnerable, scary, overwhelming and intimidating to do something new, especially when you’re surrounded by people! Committing to the practice of yoga is a whole lot more than just committing to a daily ‘workout’…it’s a lifelong practice.



Have you ever taken a yoga class and then felt like you got the short end of the stick when it came to the length of Savasana? Or worse, the teacher completely skips Savasana in order to use that time for other more challenging poses? Savasana is arguably the most important pose in any yoga sequence.

Don't Avoid Your Yoga Mat

Don't Avoid Your Yoga Mat

There’s something that happens when I’m chatting with strangers and I tell them that I’m a yoga teacher. Quickly into the conversation, I’m hit with the “so what do you do?” question and I always proudly respond with, “I’m a yoga teacher”.