December 5th-12th



It’s time to trust your instincts this week! Notice who you choose to collaborate with and make sure you feel supported. You have the tools and the wisdom to lead you to connections that will create abundance in your life. Follow your heart and let your primal knowledge guide you.


November 21st-28th



This week, Mars moves in Sagittarius. Your patience will be tested this week as will your commitment to your work and endeavors. Now is the time to give yourself positive affirmations! Moving through the hard times can be really challenging, but believing in your goals will help you come out on the other side. Don’t let the roadblocks get you down.


November 14th-21st



This week we have a New Moon in Scorpio! If you’re feeling restless or eager, take a moment to ground. Your intentions will become much clearer when you take time to anchor into the present moment. Pause, take a deep breath and get clear about what you want next in your life. A New Moon is always a good time to begin something new…start scheming!


November 7th-14th



This week, bring your awareness to what is no longer working. Whether it’s something in your personal life or work life, it’s time to shift things a bit and reprogram. Although it can be an intense reality check to discover something that isn’t serving you anymore, it can also create a clearer perspective. Remember your goals and what you desire as you navigate this week’s energy.


October 24th-31st



Hello and welcome Scorpio season! Alongside a new season, we have a Lunar Eclipse this week. Be ready to feel and unearth an emotion or feeling you’ve maybe kept hidden. With this in mind, prepare some rituals or routines to help you regulate your system. Take a bath, drink your herbs and let things unfold.


October 17th-24th



This week we are still feeling the energy of the solar eclipse and the New Moon that took place over the weekend. If you feel a weight that you’ve been carrying, now is the time to share the load with someone else. An important lesson might present itself soon, but only if you’re willing to receive it. Listen to your intuition by turning down the external world. How can you rest this week?


October 3rd-10th



We are in Libra season, which is depicted by the scales. This season is all about harmony, balance and beauty. Channeling peace this week will feel lovely after our fiery Full Moon in Aries this past weekend. Coming off of Virgo season where things are tidy, organized and particular, Libra season offers you a moment to soften the edges and enjoy yourself and those you love.


September 26th-October 3rd



This week we have a Full Moon in Aries and it’s time to channel courage. Is there something you’ve been working towards? Let it flow to you this week even if it feels uncomfortable. Don’t view this energetic shift as you being greedy, instead use bravery to express yourself and what you need. Maybe you’ll inspire others to do the same.


September 19th-26th



This week we move into Libra season. Libra season is symbolized by the scales and it’s a season of balance and fairness. You might feel a stronger desire to balance certain areas in your life, your own needs or the needs of others. As the seasonal equinox draws near on September 23rd, there is an energetic calling to bring our own lives into alignment. Cut away any dead weight that’s keeping you from fully thriving, but remember that doing so will require accountability and self-love. Let fairness and harmony illuminate your path towards healing. It’s up to you to stay the course.


September 12th-19th



On Thursday the 14th we have a New Moon in Virgo. Because this New Moon takes place during an earth sign season, it’s a good time to remember that nature can give you all you need if you have the wisdom, time and care to nurture it in return. Reflect on what you can give as you receive and grow. Be outdoors and tend to nature during this time. Plant flowers, read under a tree, take a long walk during golden hour. Remember that your efforts don’t have to be grandiose to be effective.


September 5th-12th



This week is asking you to trust your body’s rhythm. Be on your own schedule and don’t listen to other people’s urgency. Go outside and walk barefoot in the grass. Take time to journal. Get back to yourself in a raw, authentic way. Tap into your inner wisdom…your body is your greatest teacher.


August 29th-September 5th


This week we have a Full Moon in Pisces! Full Moons are a time for releasing and relinquishing any excess in your life that you feel is no longer serving you. It’s time to get get serious about your boundaries and generating deep self-care and connection. What do you need more of? What do you need less of? Take some time to journal and get specific about your desires and goals for this next lunar phase.

August 22nd-29th



This week begins Virgo season! It’s a good week to retreat and seek independence and inner wisdom. If you’re feeling drawn to quiet, alone time…lean into that. This is the perfect time to go off the grid, switch your phone off and look within. Get to know yourself and tap into your power.


August 15th-22nd



This week we have a New Moon in Leo! This moon is all about confidence, getting creative, being charming and authenticity. Now is the time to stand out…do something bold! Don’t act small this week and lean into being your truest, most vibrant self.


August 8th-15th



This week marks Venus’ halfway point in retrograde. The planet Venus is all about love and beauty. There is healing in pleasure and sensitivity. Lean into what feels good for you this week and find moments to step into the ‘flow’ and natural rhythm of nature. Center self-care and shed what’s no longer serving you.


August 1st-8th



This week we have a Full Moon in Aquarius. It’s time to remind yourself of the big picture. Are you willing to receive opportunities and gifts from the universe? Be mindful and tactful as you take action this week. Prioritize things in your life that fill your cup.


July 25th-August 1st

This week we have a lot going on! Leo season is here, Venus is in retrograde, and Mercury moves into Virgo on Friday. Let’s break this down and understand what all of this means for us.


Leos are all about being themselves, unapologetically. This season is about being loud, proud, and fabulous. Leo’s ruled by the Sun and we all know the Sun rules all. It’s time to celebrate who we are and let our inner brightness shine. Lean into your unique power and abilities and embrace your authentic self. Now is not the time to hold back. What do you desire when it comes to self-expression?


Venus is the planet of love, relationships and connection. This is a very love-centered week. Old relationships might resurface this week, either with a friend or an ex. There might be a moment that feels like a reunion of sorts with someone you haven’t seen in a while. It’s a good week to recenter the things that we value and love. How can you tend to yourself better this week? Dig deep.


Mercury moves into Virgo on Friday. Virgo energy brings Earth wisdom and gives us the tools to heal, grow and align with ourselves. Mercury is the planet of communication, so we can expect this time to bring order and organization into our lives. What narratives are you telling yourself that are no longer true? Ground, center and lean into the desire to explore yourself.

July 18th-25th

Hi there! Welcome to your astrology forecast for this week. There is a lot happening this week, but what I want to focus on is the New Moon in Cancer that happens on Monday. New Moons represent new beginnings and this one is calling for us to start a new journey. This New Moon wants us to take action and begin the new projects or side hustles that we have been dreaming about. The time to plan is now. While you’re taking time to reflect, remember to be gentle with yourself. Really trust the timing and the process without feeling a need to rush to the finish line. Something else you should do during this new moon? Connect with nature. Find a river or lake and take a swim or indulge in a bath. It’s time to release old things that are weighing you down and make space for new.

July 11th-18th

If there is one word we could use to describe this next week it would be efficiency. On Monday, Mars moved into Virgo. Mars is a planet of action and direction with a lot of fiery energy and Virgos have a lot of energy when it comes to developing skills and using their resources efficiently. If you have a Virgo in your life, you already know that they are very productive, organized and use their time wisely. This week is perfect to dedicate your time to learning something new. What can you uncover or work through? What is something you’ve been wanting to learn or explore in a deeper way? Start that DIY project in your home office, take your first yoga class, or begin that side hustle you’ve been talking about for months. You might already have something in mind, or perhaps you need to sit with these questions and meditate on them for a bit.

With all of this energy at play, you might feel a little restless this week, so be sure you take some time to sit, be still and breathe. Be really mindful about how you work and use your time this week, but also allow yourself to have fun and enjoy the moment.

June 27th-July 4th

This week is a wild ride and slightly chaotic, but only at the beginning. Things might feel a little all over the place Monday and Tuesday, but don’t stress. A lot of patience is required so if you’re someone who typically lacks in that area, it’s time to practice, practice, practice! Be willing to shift and adjust as things get messy and disruptive because sometimes things don’t always work out as planned.

Things quiet down a bit towards the end of the week and there’s an opportunity for reflection. Because we are in Cancer season, we are being pulled to focus on our relationships and tend to them. Take a moment to focus on expression and how you communicate with people in your life. Notice what IS working for you in your communication and spend some time writing it down. You might start to feel that the work you’ve put in to bettering yourself is really showing up in your relationships with others. Lean into the water season this week and let yourself be creative!